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Thursday 11-a-side Football Venue and Time change 27 Oct

Unfortunately due to pitch availability the Thursday Men's 11-a-side football fixture has had to be modified slightly. It will still be on Thursday but it will now run from 14:00 to 16:00 on the 3G pitches on site 3. If you have any questions about this please contact intramural@brunel.ac.uk

Follow Our Social Media 29 Oct

Remember to follow Brunel Intra-Mural's Twitter and Facebook profiles for updates on the intra-mural programme over 2014/15:


Twitter: @BrunelIntra

Facebook: Search 'Brunel Intramural'

Sign ups are now closed! 20 Nov

Sign ups for intramural sport are now closed!
All team captains please check your emails for details of your fixtures beginning next week. 

Any questions please contact intramural@brunel.ac.uk

We need your feedback! 22 Jan

Do you have any feedback on this year's programme? Ideas on how we could improve? Please email intramural@brunel.ac.uk with all suggestions for the next academic year!



Todays Fixtures

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